- 28
- Apr
Simbi pombi yemagetsi kudziyisa choto
Simbi pombi yemagetsi kudziyisa choto
The steel pipe electric heating furnace is a non-standard induction heating equipment that uses the electromagnetic heating principle to heat the steel pipe.
Simbi pombi magetsi ekupisa choto zvinodiwa:
1. Dhayamita yepombi yesimbi inopisa nemagetsi ekupisa choto chepombi yesimbi: Ø20-Ø200mm; kureba: unlimited
2. Simbi pombi kudziyisa tembiricha: 1250 ℃
3. Kubudirira kwekugadzira kwesimbi pombi magetsi ekupisa choto: yakagadzirirwa maererano nezvinodiwa
4. Infrared tembiricha kuyerwa system
5. Siemens PLC control system
6. Mechanical transmission system
kugadziridzwa kwesimbi pombi yemagetsi kupisa choto:
Simbi pombi yemagetsi yekupisa choto inoumbwa neyekudya, chimiro chekudyisa, induction heat system, discharging system uye PLC main console. Infrared thermometer zvishandiso, rectifier press, yakavharwa kutonhora shongwe, magetsi ekushandura, yakaderera-voltage magetsi ekugovera makabati, nezvimwe zvinogona kusarudzwa zvinoenderana nezvinodiwa nevatengi, sezvinotevera:
1. SCR yepakati frequency magetsi magetsi
2. Furnace frame (kusanganisira capacitor bank, nzira yemvura uye dunhu)
3. Sensor: GTRØ28X2100 GTRØ40X2100
4. Kubatanidza waya / mbariro dzemhangura (simba rekupa kuchoto chemoto)
5. Roller feeding device
6. Kuchengetedza rack uye otomatiki yekudyisa mudziyo
7. Remote operation console