- 16
- Sep
Chirongwa-chinodzorwa bhokisi-mhando yemagetsi choto SDL-1202 yakadzama sumo
Chirongwa-chinodzorwa bhokisi-mhando yemagetsi choto SDL-1202 yakadzama sumo
The performance characteristics of the program-controlled box-type electric furnace SDL-1202:
■ Yakakwira-aruminiyamu yemukati tangi, yakanaka yekupfeka kusagadzikana, yakanyanya tembiricha yekudziya waya ye1000 madigiri uye 1200 madigiri, kudziyisa pamativi ese, kufanana kwakanaka,
■Program control box type electric furnace SDL-1202 is made of stainless steel on the inside of the furnace door and the panel of the box body. The outer shell is made of high-quality thin steel plate, and the surface is sprayed with plastic.
■The program-controlled box-type electric furnace SDL-1202 has high accuracy and a display accuracy of 1 degree. In a constant temperature state, the accuracy is as high as plus or minus 1 degree.
■ Iyo yekudzvanya sisitimu inotora LTDE tekinoroji, ine 30-bhendi inogadzirirwa basa, uye maviri-chikamu pamusoro-tembiricha dziviriro.
The program-controlled box-type electric furnace SDL-1202 is used in various industrial and mining enterprises, colleges and universities, and scientific research units for element analysis, small steel parts quenching, annealing, and heating during tempering. It can also be used for sintering, dissolving, and analyzing metals and ceramics at high temperatures. For heating. The cabinet has a new and beautiful design, with a matte spray coating. The inner side of the furnace door and the cabinet opening panel are made of high-quality stainless steel to ensure that the instrument is durable. Thirty-segment microcomputer control with program, with powerful programming function, can control the heating rate, heating, constant temperature, multi-band curve arbitrarily set, optional software can be connected to the computer, monitor, record temperature data, making the test reproducibility possible. The program-controlled box-type electric furnace SDL-1202 is equipped with electric shock, leakage protection system and secondary over-temperature automatic protection function to ensure the safety of users and instruments
Chirongwa-chinodzorwa bhokisi-mhando yemagetsi choto SDL-1202 ruzivo rwakadzama:
SDL-1202 furnace body structure and materials
Furnace shell zvinhu: Rekunze bhokisi goko rakagadzirwa nepamusoro-soro inotonhora ndiro, yakarapwa nephosphoric acid firimu munyu, uye yakasaswa pakudziya kwepamusoro, uye ruvara irwo komputa grey;
Vira remoto: yakakwira-aruminiyamu yemukati liner, yakanaka yekupfeka kuramba, tembiricha yakakwira kumusoro uye pasi, kuruboshwe uye kurudyi mativi kupisa;
Thermal kuputira nzira: thermal kuputira chidhinha uye kudziya kuputira donje;
Tembiricha yekuyera chiteshi: Iyo thermocouple inopinda kubva kumusoro kwekumashure kwemuviri wevira;
Terminal: Iyo yekudziya waya tembiricha iri pazasi kumashure kweiyo muviri muviri;
Mutungamiriri: iri pasi pemuviri wevira, yakavakirwa-mukati kutonga system, muripo waya wakabatana nemuviri wevira
Kuchenesa chinhu: tembiricha yepamusoro yekudzivirira waya;
Yese muchina uremu: inenge 60KG
Yakajairwa kurongedza: bhokisi remapuranga
SDL-1202 product technical parameters
Tembiricha renji: 100 ~ 1200 ℃;
Kudengenyeka degree: ± 2 ℃;
Ratidza kururamisa: 1 ℃;
Ukuru hwevira: 200 * 120 * 80 MM
Zviyero: 510 * 420 * 660 MM
Kuchenesa mwero: -10 ° C / min; (inogona kugadziriswa zvakasarudzika kune chero kumhanya kwakaderera pane gumi degrees paminiti)
Simba rese remuchina: 2.5KW;
Simba remagetsi: 220V, 50Hz;
SDL-1202 Yekupisa Yekudzora Sisitimu yeiyo Inogadziridzwa Bhokisi Magetsi Tira
Kuyera kupisa: s index platinum rhodium-platinum thermocouple;
Kudzora system: LTDE yakazara otomatiki inorongedzwa chiridzwa, PID kugadzirisa, kuratidza kunyatso 1
Yakazara maseti emidziyo yemagetsi: shandisa brand contactors, mafeni anotonhora, solid state relays;
Nguva sisitimu: yekupisa nguva inogona kusetwa, yenguva dzose tembiricha nguva yekudzora, otomatiki kudzima kana inogara tembiricha nguva yasvika;
Kupfuura-tembiricha kudzivirirwa: Yakavakirwa-mune yechipiri pamusoro-tembiricha chengetedzo chishandiso, kaviri inishuwarenzi. ;
Mashandiro maitiro: anoshanduka anogara aripo tembiricha yakazara yakazara, kushanda kushanda; chirongwa chirongwa.
Technical data uye zvishongedzo zveiyo SDL-1202 chirongwa-inodzorwa bhokisi-mhando yemagetsi choto
Mirayiridzo Yekushandisa
garandi kadhi
The main components of the SDL-1202 program-controlled box-type electric furnace
LTDE inoronga kudzora chiridzwa
solid state relay
Intermediate relay
Kutonhora mota
Kupisa kwakanyanya kupisa waya