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What is the difference between 3240 epoxy board and FR4 epoxy board?

What is the difference between 3240 epoxy board and FR4 looxa epoxy?

1. Translucent color.

Midabka guddiga ‘epoxy FR4’ waa mid aad u dabiici ah, xoogaa jaad ah, iyo midabka 3240 loox epoxy waa xoogaa bilig -leexasho ah. Uma muuqato mid dabiici ah. Inta badan midabada ma aha kuwo isku mid ah.

2. FR4 has good flame retardant performance.

FR4 is an improved product of 3240 epoxy resin board. The flame retardant performance of FR4 epoxy board meets the national UL94V-0 standard. 3240 epoxy resin board has no flame retardant properties.

3. FR4 is non-radiation and environmentally friendly.

3240 epoxy resin board is halogen-containing, which is not very environmentally friendly to the environment and the human body. It also does not conform to the country’s green sustainable development strategy. The FR4 epoxy board is just the opposite.

4. FR4 can self-extinguish from the fire.

FR4 si dabiici ah ayaa loo damin karaa haddii dab dhaco.

5. FR4 has good dimensional stability.

Xasiloonida cabbirka ee FR4 way ka fiican tahay tan 3240, iyo inta lagu guda jiro geeddi -socodka cadaadiska, dulqaadka dhumucda ee FR4 sidoo kale aad bay uga fiican tahay tan 3240, taas oo ku habboon in la farsameeyo.

6. Low water absorption.

Nuugista biyaha (D-24/23, dhumucda saxanka 1.6mm): ≤19mg, oo siisa kaalmo wanaagsan u isticmaalkeeda ku-beddelayaasha qoyan iyo qalabka kale.