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Maxay yihiin arrimaha saameeya habsami u socodka hawadda qaboojiyaha?

Maxay yihiin arrimaha saameeya habsami u socodka hawadda qaboojiyaha?

Air-cooled refrigeration units have particularly high requirements for the quality of the ambient air. There must be no more dust in the operating environment. If there is more dust, it will definitely affect the safe and stable operation of the refrigeration unit. Therefore, the air-cooled refrigeration unit runs smoothly and smoothly. No, it has a lot to do with the environment.

Although air-cooled refrigeration units have relatively high requirements for ambient air quality, this does not mean that they are very delicate. They can still operate well in harsh environments, such as in an environment lacking water sources. The following is that water-cooled refrigeration units cannot be used, but air-cooled refrigeration units can meet the needs of enterprises for low-temperature environments in the absence of water sources, and the low-temperature environment has long-lasting stability.

Muuqaal kale oo ka mid ah unugyada qaboojiyaha hawo qaboojiyey ayaa ah badbaadinta tamarta, taas oo ay ugu wacan tahay heerkulka qaboojinta hooseeya. Faa’iido kale ayaa ah in waxtarka tamarta qaboojinta uu sarreeyo, iyo waxtarka qaboojinta ayaa ku fiican jawiga heerkulka sare. Waxa kale oo jira qaboojiyaha qaboojiyaha, kaas oo leh sifooyin fudud oo lagu rakibo iyo raad yar, iyo inta lagu jiro isticmaalka, waxaa yaraaday wasakhda, gaar ahaanna way fududahay in la nadiifiyo haddii ay yar tahay wasakhda. Si unugga qaboojiyaha hawadu uu u shaqeeyo si habsami leh, shaqada nadiifinta iyo dayactirka waa in la sameeyaa.