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Series intermediate frequency furnace ‍Why is it called one belt two intermediate frequency furnace?

Series intermediate frequency furnace ‍Why is it called one belt two foornada inta jeer ee dhexdhexaadka ah?

For series intermediate frequency furnaces, the distinction between single power supply and dual power supply should be clearly distinguished. Single power supply is single rectification of intermediate frequency power supply, rectification is six pulses, and transformer is three-phase. One power supply system can only supply power to one set of furnace bodies, so it is called single power supply. Power supply; dual power supply is the double rectification of the intermediate frequency power supply, the rectification is 12 pulses, and the transformer is six-phase. One power supply system can supply power to two furnace bodies at the same time, so it is called dual power supply.

Marka foornada dhexdhexaadka ah ee taxanaha ah ay tahay koronto laba geesood ah, laba foorno ayaa la shaqeyn karaa isku mar, taas oo ah, hal qaybood oo ah koronto dhexdhexaad ah ayaa kaxeynaya labada foornada inay shaqeeyaan isku mar, sidaas darteed waxaa naloo tixraacayaa sida hal suunka iyo laba foorno inta jeer ee dhexdhexaadka ah oo gaaban.

Suunka iyo labada foorneed ee inta jeer ee dhexdhexaadka ah waxaa lagu dhalaali karaa laba foorno dhexdhexaad ah isku mar, ama hal foorno dhexdhexaad ah ayaa la dhalaali karaa, foornada kale ee dhexdhexaadka ah waxay xakameyn kartaa heerkulka loo baahan yahay si loo shubo ama lagu ilaaliyo kulaylka. Waxa kale oo suurtogal ah in la dhalaaliyo mid ka mid ah foornada soo noqnoqda ee dhexdhexaadka ah oo aad kan kale u joojiso heeganka. Dhalista hal, isticmaalku aad buu u dabacsan yahay. Aad bay ugu habboon tahay in la ordo.