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Walxaha xamaasada ee foornada inta jeer ee dhexdhexaadka ah waxay ilaalisaa foornada iyo gariiradda lafteeda

The wax raagaya foornada inta jeer ee dhexdhexaadka ah waxay ilaalisaa foornada iyo gariiradda lafteeda

The ramming material of the intermediate frequency furnace protects the furnace body and the coil. It must have high refractoriness, strong corrosion resistance, corrosion resistance and good compactness. Only by grasping the fundamentals can a good ramming material be produced. In addition, any formula is not static and needs to be flexibly controlled according to the temperature of the smelted steel, the nature of the steel, and the size of the furnace. Steelmaking is not the same as ironmaking and coppermaking. Therefore, we must treat them differently and seek truth from facts. Only in this way can we produce good refractory materials.