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Xakamaynta farsamada ee foornada korontada kuleylinta ee bar inta jeer ee dhexdhexaadka ah

Introduction of Medium Frequency Heating Electric Furnace for Bars

Halbeegyada farsamada ee foornada korontada kuleelinta inta jeer ee dhexdhexaadka ah:

1. Nidaamka korontada: IGBT200KW-IGBT2000KW.

2. Qalabka shaqada: birta kaarboon, birta daawaha

3. Awoodda qalabka: 0.2-16 tan saacaddii.

4. Elastically adjustable pressing roller: make the steel bars of different diameters feed at a uniform speed, the roller table between the furnace bodies and the induction heating equipment for pressing the steel bar forging are especially suitable for:

1. In the field of diathermy forging, hot upsetting forging of standard parts, etc.

2. Hot upsetting of high-strength bolts and nuts. Hot bending hot upsetting of U-bolts, etc.

3. Diathermic forging of automobile and motorcycle parts and various general parts that require diathermic forging.

Steel bar intermediate frequency forging furnace composition:

(1) Intermediate frequency power supply 160KW-2000KW

(2) Awood -siinta magdhawga iyo miiska foornada been -abuurka ah

(3) Induction coil

(4) Farsamaynta quudinta sambabada