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Application of Furnace Lining Materials for Intermediate Frequency Coreless Induction Furnace Lining

Application of Furnace Lining Materials for Intermediate Frequency Coreless Induction Furnace Lining

Furnace lining material for intermediate frequency coreless induction furnace, intermediate frequency coreless induction furnace lining material is also called intermediate frequency coreless induction furnace charging, intermediate frequency coreless induction furnace dry vibrating charge, intermediate frequency coreless induction furnace dry charging, intermediate frequency coreless induction furnace Ramming materials are divided into acidic, neutral, and basic furnace lining materials. Acidic furnace lining materials are made of high-purity quartz and fused silica as the primary raw materials, and composite additives are used as sintering agents; neutral furnace lining materials are made of alumina and high-alumina materials As the primary raw material, the composite additive is used as the sintering agent; the alkaline furnace lining is made of high-purity fused corundum, high-purity fused magnesia, and high-purity spinel as the primary raw materials, and the composite additive is used as the sintering agent.

Alkaline furnace lining: mainly used for melting various alloy steels such as high alloy steel, carbon steel, high manganese steel, high chromium steel, tool steel, stainless steel, etc.

Acidic furnace lining: Mainly used for coreless induction furnace lining for melting and heat preservation of cast iron.

Acidic, neutral, and alkaline furnace lining materials are widely used in coreless intermediate frequency coreless induction furnaces and cored induction furnaces. They are used as intermediate frequency coreless induction furnace lining materials to melt gray cast iron, ductile iron and cast iron alloys, and to melt carbon steel. , Alloy steel, high manganese steel, tool steel, heat-resistant steel, stainless steel, melting aluminum and its alloys, melting copper alloys such as copper, brass, cupronickel and bronze.