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Induction electric furnace coil mortar

Induction electric furnace калем малтер

Product features: The coil mortar is made of composite sand, special alum, corundum sand, powder organic powder as the matrix, and premixed with appropriate amount of composite additives, ceramic bond, etc., and the design takes into account the fire resistance, insulation and operability sex. Its role is as follows:

1. Заштитите индукцијски калем:

a. This product has good high temperature performance. Once molten metal infiltrates the furnace lining, it can protect the coil from molten metal in a short period of time.

b. Support the induction coil to prevent its deformation during use and removal of the furnace lining, especially for the furnace body with an ejection mechanism, which has the function of guiding and preventing the coil from being scratched.

2. Protection of the intermediate frequency power supply: The coil paste has good insulation. After the paste is coated between the turns of the induction coil, it can prevent the short circuit between the coil turns or the discharge and the excessive inrush current from burning the thyristor.

Product use: Protect the function of induction furnace coil and intermediate frequency power supply.