- 17
- Jan
Како одабрати опрему за индукционо грејање
Како одабрати опрему за индукционо грејање
1. The shape and size of the workpiece to be heated: For large workpieces, bars, and solid materials, индукциона грејна опрема with relatively high power and low frequency should be used; for small workpieces, pipes, plates, gears, etc., use relatively low power and high frequency Induction heating equipment.
2. The depth and area to be heated: the heating depth is deep, the area is large, and the overall heating should be high-power, low-frequency induction heating equipment; the heating depth is shallow, the area is small, local heating, and the relative power is small, and the frequency is high. Heating equipment.
3. Required heating speed: Fast heating speed is required. Induction heating equipment with relatively large power and relatively low frequency should be selected
4. The continuous working time of the equipment: The continuous working time is long, and the induction heating equipment with a slightly larger power is used. On the contrary, the equipment with relatively small power is selected.
5. Растојање између индукционе компоненте и опреме: веза је дугачка, па је чак потребно и кабловско повезивање са воденим хлађењем. Треба користити опрему за индукционо грејање са релативно великом снагом.
6. Process requirements: Generally speaking, for quenching, welding and other processes, you can choose a lower power and a higher frequency; for tempering, annealing and other processes, choose a higher relative power and a lower frequency; red punching, hot forging If a process with a good diathermy effect is required, the power should be larger and the frequency should be lower.
7. Материјал обратка: међу металним материјалима већа тачка топљења је релативно велика, нижа тачка топљења је релативно мала; мањи отпор је већи, а већи отпор је мањи.