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Moetsi oa litene tse phahameng tsa alumina

Moetsi oa litene tse phahameng tsa alumina

Litene tse tloaelehileng tse phahameng tsa alumina li arotsoe ka LZ-75, LZ-65, LZ-55, LZ-48 limaraka ho latela matšoao a ‘mele le lik’hemik’hale. Litene tse phahameng tsa alumina refractory li na le li-refractoriness tse phahameng, mocheso o phahameng o nolofatsang mojaro, botsitso bo botle ba mocheso oa mocheso, ho hanyetsa acid, Anti-alkali, anti-rosion le litšobotsi tse ling.

2. Application and corresponding indicators of litene tse phahameng tsa alumina liindastering tse fapaneng:

1. High alumina bricks for general purpose: Generally, high alumina bricks are made of bauxite clinker, supplemented by combined clay and additives.

2. Litene tse phahameng tsa alumina bakeng sa sebōpi sa sebōpi: Litene tse phahameng tsa alumina bakeng sa sebōpi sa ho phatloha li sebelisa bauxite clinker e khethiloeng e le thepa e ka sehloohong e tala, e entsoeng ke ho bopa khatello e phahameng le mocheso o phahameng oa sintering. Motsoako o ka sehloohong oa liminerale ke mullite le corundum.

3. High-alumina bricks for steel-making electric furnace roofs: High-alumina bricks for steel-making electric furnace roofs are made of specially selected special grade bauxite clinker as the main raw material, which is formed by high-pressure forming and high-temperature sintering.

4. High alumina bricks for steel drums: High alumina bricks for steel drums are made of selected Yangquan bauxite as the main raw material, formed by high-pressure forming and high-temperature sintering. The main mineral composition is corundum and mullite phases. Good high temperature mechanical properties and chemical resistance.

5. Low creep letoto la lihlooho tse phahameng alumina litene bakeng sa hot blast stoves: Low creep letoto la litene tse phahameng tsa alumina bakeng sa hot blast stoves li entsoe ka corundum mullite le bauxite clinker e khethiloeng e le thepa e ka sehloohong e tala, ka ho theha khatello e phahameng le mocheso o phahameng oa sintering.

6. Low creep andalusite bricks for hot blast stoves: Raw materials and technology: low creep andalusite bricks for hot blast stoves use selected andalusite, corundum, and mullite as the main raw materials, and are formed by high-pressure molding and high-temperature sintering.

7. Litene tsa Mullite bakeng sa sebōpi sa mollo:

8. a. Mullite bricks:

Lisebelisoa tse tala le thekenoloji: Litene tsa Mullite bakeng sa sebōpi sa ho phatloha li sebelisa lisebelisoa tse tala tse entsoeng ka maiketsetso kapa sintered mullite e le lisebelisoa tse ka sehloohong tse tala, tse entsoeng ka ho bopa ha khatello e phahameng le mocheso o phahameng oa sintering. Motsoako o ka sehloohong oa liminerale ke mullite.

8. Setene sa Corundum mullite bakeng sa sebōpi sa ho phatloha: setene se entsoeng ka sootho sa corundum

Seo ha se hlile se theko e boima se molemo, se u loketseng ke sona se molemo ka ho fetisisa. Tšebeletso e le ‘ngoe bakeng sa hau nakong eohle ea ts’ebetso, “E sebelise, re rarolla bothata” ke tšepiso ea rona e sa fetoheng!