- 31
- Dec
Litlhokomelo bakeng sa tšebeliso ea mafura a sehatsetsing bakeng sa li-chillers
Litlhokomeliso tsa ts’ebeliso ea mafura a sehatsetsing bakeng sa Ho hatsela
Oli e tlotsang ea sehatsetsing ha e tšoane hantle le oli e tloaelehileng e tlotsang. Haeba oli e tlotsang e sebelisoa bakeng sa sehatsetsing, oli e khethehileng ea ho tlotsa bakeng sa compressor ea sehatsetsi se khethehileng e lokela ho sebelisoa.
Ha ho sebelisoa mafura a sehatsetsing lehlabula, re lokela ho ela hloko haholo-holo hore na bongata ba bona bo lekane le hore na thepa ea bona e fetohile. Hape re lokela ho ameha ka tekanyo ea ho pholile le pula, le hore na li ka sebelisoa hape. Mariha, re amehile haholo ka hore na boleng ba oli ea oli ea sehatsetsing ea sehatsetsing ke ntho e tloaelehileng le likarolo tse ling tse amanang le tsona.
The cooling and heat dissipation of refrigerated lubricating oil is generally not too bad in winter. As long as the refrigerated lubricating oil is a product produced by a regular manufacturer, it is not a problem when it is used in winter. Pay attention to frequent inspections to ensure that there is no problem. That’s it.
Haeba mocheso oa ‘mele oa compressor o phahama ka tšohanyetso, ebang ke lehlabula kapa mariha, bothata bo lokela ho hlahlojoa ho tloha ka oli ea sehatsetsing e tlotsang pele, ho hlahloba hore na karohano ea oli e ka sebetsa ka mokhoa o tloaelehileng, hore na e ka sefa le ho fokotsa oli e tlotsang e sehatsetsing, le hore na oli e tlotsang e entsoeng ka sehatsetsing e ka sefshoa le ho phophoma. Hore na chelete e tloaelehile, ho sa tsotellehe hore na ho na le mekhoa e tsoakaneng ea basebetsi ba bang, joalo-joalo.