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Tungku résistansi serat hemat énergi SD3-1.5-10 perkenalan lengkep

Tungku résistansi serat hemat énergi SD3-1.5-10 perkenalan lengkep

Karakteristik kinerja tungku résistansi serat hemat énergi SD3-1.5-10:

■Energy-saving fiber resistance furnace SD3-1.5-10 has a fast heating speed, which can rise to 1000°C within 10 minutes

■ Akurasi tinggi, kasalahan nyaéta “0” dina suhu luhur 1000 derajat

■Integrated production, no need to install, it can be used when connected to the power supply

■The energy-saving fiber resistance furnace SD3-1.5-10 control system adopts LTDE technology, has a 30-band programmable function, and two-level over-temperature protection.

■ Beuratna 70% langkung enteng tibatan tungku listrik tradisional, penampilanana alit, ukuran kamar damel ageung, sareng ukuran luarna sami 50% langkung ageung tibatan tungku listrik tradisional damel

The energy-saving fiber resistance furnace SD3-1.5-10 (ceramic fiber muffle furnace) solves the cumbersome preparation work of the original energy-saving fiber resistance furnace, such as installation, connection, and debugging. Just turn on the power to work. The furnace is made of ultra-light materials, which is one-fifth of the weight of the original energy-saving fiber resistance furnace, and the heating speed is three times that of the original energy-saving fiber resistance furnace (speed adjustable). The control system adopts LTDE technology, automatic intelligent control, with 30-segment programming, curve heating, automatic constant temperature, automatic shutdown, PID+SSR system synchronization and coordinated control, making the consistency and reproducibility of the test or experiment possible. It has automatic constant temperature and time control functions, and is equipped with a secondary over-temperature automatic protection function, which is reliable in control and safe in use. The controller is located under the box and is integrated. The electrical connection of the furnace body and the temperature controller has been completed before leaving the factory. It can be used when it is connected to the power supply. It is an ideal high-temperature furnace for universities, research institutes, industrial and mining enterprises, and laboratories

Detil tina SD3-1.5-10 tungku résistansi serat hemat:

Energy-saving fiber resistance furnace SD3-1.5-10 furnace body structure and materials

Bahan cangkang tungku: Cangkang kotak luar didamel tina piring tiis kualitas luhur, diubaran ku uyah pilem asam fosforat, sareng disemprot dina suhu luhur, sareng warnana abu komputer;

Bahan tungku: Éta tina radiasi tinggi genep sisi, neundeun panas-rendah sareng papan kompor serat ultra-lampu, anu tahan ka gancang sareng panas, sareng hemat énergi sareng éfisién;

Metoda insulasi: dissipation panas hawa;

Palabuhan pangukuran suhu: Térokopel asup tina beulah luhur awak tungku;

Terminal: Terminal kawat manaskeun perenahna di beulah handap awak tungku;

Controller: perenahna handapeun awak tungku, sistem kontrol bawaan, kawat kompénsasi dihubungkeun sareng awak tungku

Unsur pemanasan: kawat tahan suhu luhur;

Beurat mesin sakabeh: ngeunaan 20KG

Bungkusan baku: kotak kai

Hémat tanaga résistansi tungku SD3-1.5-10 parameter téknis produk

Kisaran suhu: 100 ~ 1000 ℃;

Fluktuasi: ± 1 ℃; akurasi tampilan: 1 ℃;

Ukuran tungku: 165 × 120 × 105 MM

Diménsi: 320 * 260 * 420 MM

Laju pemanasan: ≤50 ° C / mnt; (tiasa diluyukeun sawenang-wenang kana kecepatan naon anu langkung handap tina 50 derajat per menit)

Kakuatan mesin sakabeh: 1.5KW;

Sumber kakuatan: 220V, 50Hz

Hemat tanaga résistansi résistansi tungku SD3-1.5-10 sistem kontrol suhu

Pangukuran suhu: thermocouple nikel-kromium-nikel-silikon;

Sistem kontrol: LTDE instrumen anu tiasa diprogram sacara otomatis, pangaturan PID, tampilan akurasi 1 ℃

Sét lengkep panerapan listrik: nganggo kontaktor mérek, kipas tiis, relay kaayaan padet;

Sistem waktos: waktos pemanasan tiasa disetél, kontrol waktos suhu konstan, pareuman otomatis nalika waktos suhu konstan kahontal;

Perlindungan langkung-suhu: Alat panyalindungan suhu luhur sékundér, asuransi dobel. ;

Modeu operasi: hawa konstan adjustable pikeun rentang lengkep, operasi konstan; operasi program.

Data téknis sareng asesoris pikeun tungku résistansi serat hemat énergi SD3-1.5-10

Parentah Operasi

kartu jaminan

Hémat tahan serat tungku SD3-1.5-10 komponén utama

Instrumen kontrol diprogram LTDE

relay kaayaan padet

relay panengah


Motor tiis

Kawat pemanasan suhu luhur