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Intermediate frequency furnace lining material

Intermediate frequency furnace lining material

Intermediate frequency furnace lining material

Bahan ramming Lapisan tungku ieu mangrupikeun bahan ramming garing anu tos dicampur. Binder suhu luhur kualitas luhur kapilih ngagaduhan résistansi retakan anu kuat. Pasir quartz kualitas luhur sareng purity murni sareng bubuk quartz ngagaduhan résistansi suhu luhur, sareng suhu maksimum tiasa ngahontal 2000 derajat. , Éta seueur dianggo dina operasi kontinyu sareng lingkungan operasi intermitén tina logam non-ferrous sareng logam ferrous.

Acidic, neutral, and alkaline ramming materials are widely used in coreless intermediate frequency furnaces and cored induction furnaces. They are used as intermediate frequency furnace ramming materials to melt gray cast iron, ductile iron, forgeable cast iron, vermicular graphite cast iron and cast iron alloys. , Melting carbon steel, alloy steel, high manganese steel, tool steel, heat-resistant steel, stainless steel, melting aluminum and its alloys, melting copper alloys such as copper, brass, cupronickel and bronze, etc.

Using high-quality quartz sand as the main raw material, the particles are in a multi-level ratio, prepared with dry materials, and stirred evenly. Shorten the drying and sintering cycle. Users can build the furnace directly without stirring.

It has the characteristics of no slagging, no cracking, no failure when exposed to moisture, convenient repair of the furnace, and corrosion resistance, especially can improve the age of the furnace, and significantly improve economic benefits. The company supplies a large amount of silicon ramming materials, and the quality is guaranteed. Welcome to consult and negotiate!

Bahan jenis ZG1 digunakeun pikeun ngalembereh sapérangan bahan logam sapertos baja biasa, 45 # waja, waja gong tinggi, waja mangan tinggi, waja khusus, sareng sajabana Jumlah panén anu dianggo tiasa ngahontal langkung ti 120 heats, sareng kaléng anu pangluhurna ngahontal 195 manaskeun.

The ZH2 type material is used for smelting gray iron, and the number of furnaces used can reach more than 300 furnaces, and the maximum can reach 550 furnaces.