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How many pieces of standard refractory bricks per cubic block

Sabaraha potongan bata refractory baku per blok kubik?

Jenis standar bata réfrakter refers to T3, the size is 230*114*65mm, which can be calculated by the formula: 1/(0.23*0.114*0.065)=588 pieces, this is the number of refractory bricks, if it is masonry, Also add the gray seams between the bricks and so on.

How many tons of standard refractory bricks per cubic meter?

Mimiti, kami nganggo rumus di luhur pikeun ngitung sabaraha bata réfrakter standar aya dina unggal kubus, teras ngitung jumlah blok per ton dumasar kana kapadetan volume batu bata réfraktor anu diperyogikeun. Salaku conto, pikeun bata alumina anu luhur kalayan kapadetan ageung 2.47g / cm3, beurat unggal bata 4.2KG, sareng aya 238 bata per ton, maka 588/238 = 2.47 ton.