- 06
- Jan
What are the properties of mica clamps?
Naon anu properties of mica clamps?
1. HP-5 hard white high temperature resistant fixture, the product is silver white, temperature resistance grade: 500 ℃ temperature resistance under continuous use conditions, 850 ℃ temperature resistance under intermittent use conditions.
2. HP-8 hardness gold high temperature resistant fixture, the product is golden color, temperature resistance grade: temperature resistance of 850 ℃ under continuous use conditions, and 1050 ℃ temperature resistance under intermittent use conditions.
3. kinerja insulasi résistansi résistansi suhu luhur anu hadé, résistansi suhu pangluhurna saluhur 1000 ℃, sareng éta ngagaduhan performa biaya anu saé diantara bahan insulasi suhu luhur.
4. Kinerja insulasi listrik anu hadé. Indéks ngarecahna tegangan produk biasa saluhur 20KV / mm.
5. kakuatan bending alus teuing jeung kinerja ngolah. Produk nu ngagaduhan kakuatan bending tinggi na kateguhan alus teuing. Éta tiasa diolah dina sagala rupa bentuk tanpa delaminasi.
6. Kinerja lingkungan anu saé, produkna henteu ngandung asbés, ngagaduhan kirang haseup sareng bau nalika dipanaskeun, bahkan teu asap sareng teu raos.
7. HP-5 hard high temperature resistant fixture is a kind of high-strength plate material, which can still maintain its original performance under high temperature conditions.