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What is the indirect production of SMC insulating paperboard?

What is the indirect production of SMC insulating paperboard?

Naon hartosna produksi langsung tina insulating paperboard? Kusabab janten langkung seueur dianggo dina widang aplikasi, sarat industri anu béda ogé terus ningkat, ku kituna urang terus kedah ningkatkeun fungsi khusus sareng kagunaan produk dumasar kana kaayaan anu saleresna, janten naon anu disebut langsung. produksi? Kain wol? Salajengna, hayu urang ngartos sakeudeung tina prosés produksi na.

(1) Use thermosetting resin and fiber fabric (such as glass cloth cotton cloth, insulating cardboard, etc., also called filler) as raw materials, and impregnate the resin on the filler with a sizing machine to form a sizing glass cloth, sizing cotton cloth or sizing Paper, referred to as material.

(2) Cut these materials to the required size, sort them according to different types, and stack (stack) them into a certain thickness according to different specifications, which is called a piece of material. This process is called material selection and board matching.

(3) Lift an iron plate as an insulating backing plate, and then spread copper wire mesh, paper cushioning, and stainless steel plate on the backing plate flatly, and then spread a piece of material, then a stainless steel plate, and a piece of material– That is, the material is sandwiched between two stainless steel plates), and several pieces are laid in sequence, and then pad paper, copper wire mesh and iron cover plate are laid. This is the first floor.

(4) Stabilize several layers and send them to the hydraulic press for heating and pressurizing (including pre-warming, hot pressing, venting, water cooling, etc.).

(5) After a certain period of time, after the thermosetting resin in the material has cured, remove them from the hydraulic press, and then lift down the iron cover plate, copper wire mesh, paper pad, stainless steel plate, etc., and take out the materials. At this time, the insulating cardboard The material is hot pressed into a laminated board with electrical insulation function.

Béda jinis papan, résin thermosetting, sareng pangisi anu béda-béda dianggo pikeun ngahasilkeun sababaraha jinis papan. Salaku conto, papan lawon kaca epoxy phenolic anu diproduksi ku résin epoksi ditambah résin fénolik sareng lawon kaca disebut papan lawon kaca epoxy phenolic, anu biasana disebut plastik bertulang serat gelas. Hiji tipe; anu dijieunna tina résin fénolik jeung lawon katun disebut papan lawon fénolik; nu dijieunna tina résin phenolic jeung bahan insulating disebut paperboards phenolic jeung saterusna.