- 23
- Feb
Komitmen jasa mangaruhan harga tungku lebur induksi
Komitmen jasa mangaruhan harga tungku lebur induksi
The price is different, the service commitment is also different. The equipment produced by a regular induction melting furnace manufacturer has to undergo repeated static and dynamic adjustments before leaving the factory. And there is a warranty period of six months to one year. During this period, any equipment failure caused by non-human responsibility will be the responsibility of the manufacturer, and the regular manufacturer of the induction melting furnace will also have sufficient personnel and capabilities to provide services.
Produksi béaya rendah tungku lebur induksi biasana dirakit ku individu. Aranjeunna teu boga sarat pikeun debugging pre-jualan, teu boga jaminan formal, sarta teu boga tanaga kaleuleuwihan ngawula. Éta ngan bisa manggihan sababaraha tanaga pangropéa teratur pikeun ngalakukeunana. Kaluar pikeun debugging. Komponén utama tungku lebur induksi nyaéta thyristor sareng kapasitor frékuénsi panengah, anu duanana mangrupikeun bagian anu rentan. Upami aya masalah kualitas sareng komponén ieu, produsén thyristor sareng kapasitor bakal nanggung jawab pikeun masalah anu sanés. Pamaké kudu mawa tanaga pangropéa sorangan pikeun ngajawab masalah séjén. Komitmen jasa béda, harga tungku lebur induksi ogé béda