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What are the structure of the muffle furnace

What are the structure of the tungku muffle

The muffle tungku cangkang disassembly joint disegel ku karét silikon, sarta sungut tungku listrik ieu leuwih tiis ku cai ngajaga segel karét silikon tina sungut tungku. Muara tungku dilengkepan ku palabuhan inlet sareng outlet. Sistem suplai hawa diatur ku laju aliran (0.16-1.6m3 / h) sareng ngawaskeun tekanan (0.16-1.6kpa). Sumber suplai gas asup kana tungku listrik ngaliwatan klep pangurangan tekanan sareng méter aliran gas. Inlet hawa disetél dina luhureun tungku listrik, sareng knalpot sareng saluran pembuangan dipasang di handapeun tungku listrik.

lapisan tungku muffle dijieunna tina bahan refractory husus ngawangun, bahan insulasi kualitas luhur sarta masonry lianna. Kotak-tipe bata tungku listrik dijieunna tina corundum mullite, sarta lapisan insulasi dijieunna tina alumina bal kerung +1500 mullite poly lampu +1300 mullite poly lampu +1260 serat keramik; sebaran unggal lapisan ieu dioptimalkeun ku itungan pikeun mastikeun lalawanan seuneu Ieu oge pilihan alus keur hemat energi nu kinerja pelestarian panas ngabogaan gelar tangtu kateguhan.

The thermocouple adopts B index number and is installed on the top of the furnace. The top plate of the muffle furnace body can be removed for maintenance. The technical requirements of furnace body building shall meet the construction and acceptance specifications of industrial furnace building engineering.

The box-type resistance furnace temperature control instrument adopts Japan Shimadzu intelligent instrument for temperature control, PID automatic adjustment, over-temperature, segment-couple alarm protection function, and temperature compensation function. The furnace temperature is consistent with the temperature displayed by the instrument. 40 segments are programmable. There are voltmeters, ammeters, power air switches, temperature control instruments, etc. on the control cabinet panel, as well as sound and light alarm devices such as over-temperature and broken couple.