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Long bar heating furnace

Long bar heating furnace

Our company specializes in the research and development, design, process, application, manufacturing and sales of induction heating equipment. We have rich experience and practical cases in long bar heating furnaces. According to your manufacturing requirements, we can process special long bar heating. Furnace and supporting equipment.

Technical parameters of long bar heating furnace:

1. Sistim suplai kakuatan: IGBT200KW-IGBT2000KW.

2. Bahan workpiece: baja karbon, baja alloy

3. Equipment kapasitas: 0.2-16 ton per jam.

4. Elastically adjustable mencét rollers: The bar baja diaméter béda bisa fed dina speed seragam. Méja roller jeung rollers mencét antara awak tungku dijieunna tina 304 stainless steel non-magnétik jeung cai-tiis.

5. Konversi énergi: Pemanasan ka 930 ℃ ~ 1050 ℃, konsumsi kakuatan nyaéta 280 ~ 320 ℃.

6. Pangukuran suhu Infrabeureum: Nyetél hiji alat ukur suhu infra red di tungtung ngurangan sangkan suhu pemanasan tina rod baja konsisten.

7. Nyadiakeun konsol jauh jeung layar toél atawa sistem komputer industri nurutkeun pangabutuh anjeun.

8. The man-machine interface touch screen PLC automatic intelligent control system of the bar heating furnace, and the highly user-friendly operation instructions.