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Bar baja profésional perlakuan panas quenching na tempering produsén garis, jaminan kualitas sarta concessions harga

Bar baja profésional perlakuan panas quenching na tempering produsén garis, jaminan kualitas sarta concessions harga

High-quality steel rod heat treatment and tempering line is preferred to Luoyang Songdao Induction Heating Technology Co., Ltd. The company specializes in the research and development, design, process, application, manufacturing and sales of induction heating equipment, and has rich experience in steel rod heat treatment and tempering line And practical cases, according to your manufacturing requirements, we provide you with a complete set of steel rod heat treatment and quenching and tempering line solutions for free, and provide you with on-site video cases of user applications, etc., to meet your different requirements, welcome to consult!

Komposisi rod baja perlakuan panas quenching na tempering garis:

1. Quenching + tempering IGBT frékuénsi dual induksi pemanasan catu daya:

2. Quenching + tempering induksi pemanasan awak tungku

3. rak gudang

4. Sistim conveying

5. Quenching tank cai (kaasup ring semprot stainless steel, aliran méteran jeung roller konversi frékuénsi)

6. Tempering tungku kabinét (kaasup pipa stainless steel, dual-frékuénsi kapasitor grup kabinét, konvérsi frékuénsi drive)

7. Rak narima

8. PLC master konsol jeung panganteur lalaki-mesin

9. Pangukuran suhu Infrabeureum sareng alat kontrol suhu otomatis