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Reasons and treatment methods of high-frequency heating equipment power increase and overcurrent

Reasons and treatment methods of alat-alat pemanasan frékuénsi luhur power increase and overcurrent

Reasons for power increase and overcurrent

1. The transformer is on fire.

2. The sensor does not match.

3. The drive board is faulty.


1. The inside of the machine and the induction coil must be cooled by water, and the water source must be clean, so as not to block the cooling pipe and cause the machine to overheat and damage. The cooling water temperature should not be too high, it should be lower than 45 ℃;

2. Do not use waterproof raw material tape when installing the induction coil, so as to avoid poor electrical connection, and do not change the induction coil soldering to copper soldering or silver soldering;

3. Aya loba alesan pikeun pangaruh jumlah robah warna ka warna tina coil induksi dina ayeuna, sarta eta oge bakal ngabalukarkeun overcurrent.