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Working steps of induction heating system

Léngkah kerja tina Sistim pemanasan induksi

Composition of induction heating system The induction heating system consists of high-frequency power supply (high-frequency generator), wires, transformers and inductors. The working steps are: ① The high-frequency power supply converts the ordinary power supply (220v/50hz) into a high-voltage high-frequency low-current output, (the frequency depends on the heating object, and the general frequency should be around 480kHZ in terms of its packaging material. .) ② Transform high-voltage, high-frequency low current into low-voltage, high-frequency high current through the transformer. ③ After the inductor passes through the low-voltage, high-frequency and large current, a strong high-frequency magnetic field is formed around the inductor. Generally, the larger the current, the higher the magnetic field strength.