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Säkerhetsregler för induktionssmältugn

Safety operation rules of induktions smältugn

  1. Before starting the induction melting furnace, check whether the electrical equipment, water cooling system, copper tube of the inductor, etc. are in good condition, otherwise it is forbidden to open the furnace.

2. If the furnace melting loss exceeds the regulations, it should be repaired in time. It is strictly forbidden to smelt in a crucible that is too deep.

3. Special personnel should be responsible for power supply and furnace opening. It is strictly forbidden to touch the sensors and cables after power supply. Those on duty are not allowed to leave their posts without authorization, and pay attention to the external conditions of the sensor and the crucible.

4. Kontrollera vid laddning om det finns brandfarliga och explosiva eller andra skadliga ämnen i laddningen. Om någon, bör den tas bort i tid. Det är strängt förbjudet att direkt lägga till kalla och våta material till det smälta stålet. Efter att den smälta vätskan har fyllts till den övre delen är det strängt förbjudet att lägga till bulk , För att förhindra locket.

5. It is strictly forbidden to mix iron filings and iron oxide when repairing the furnace and ramming the crucible, and the ramming crucible must be dense.

6. The pouring site and the pit in front of the furnace should be free of obstacles and no water to prevent the molten steel from falling to the ground and exploding.

7. The molten steel is not allowed to be overfilled. When pouring the ladle with hands, the two should cooperate and walk smoothly, and no emergency stop is allowed. After pouring, the remaining steel should be poured into the designated place.

8. The intermediate frequency power supply room of the induction melting furnace should be kept clean. It is strictly forbidden to bring flammable and explosive materials and other sundries into the room. Smoking is prohibited indoors.