- 14
- Apr
Umuhimu wa kuzunguka kwa maji katika tanuru ya kuyeyuka chuma
Umuhimu wa kuzunguka kwa maji katika tanuru ya kuyeyuka chuma
In most metal smelting furnaces, the furnace body and the power cabinet have two independent water systems, an internal circulation system, an external circulation system, internal closed-circuit deionized water, and include a water-to-water heat exchanger, rectification Silicon, reactors, filter capacitors, inverter silicon, and resonance capacitors are all connected to this system. Since the internal water system circulates in the DC high voltage, the internal cooling water will generate electric ions under the action of the pipeline DC high voltage. After a period of time, the concentration of electric ions will gradually increase. When the concentration of electric ions exceeds the required value, the high DC voltage will corrode the copper joints through the cooling water with high concentration of ions, resulting in the situation seen in the photo below. If the water connector corrodes and breaks during use of the power supply, the pressurized cooling water will spray out, causing major equipment accidents, and the cooling water with high concentration of electric ions will reduce the insulation of the system, which is more likely to cause damage to the thyristor Therefore, the conductivity of the cooling water should be checked regularly, and it must be less than 10us/cm. If the conductivity is greater than 100us/cm, replace the circulating cooling water in all power cabinets, and it is recommended to replace it every six months.
Kuna shida nyingine katika utumiaji wa baridi ya maji iliyofungwa ambayo inapaswa kuzingatiwa. Mfumo wa kupoza maji unapaswa kuwa na vifaa vya kutolea nje. Walakini, katika matumizi halisi, mifumo mingi ya baridi ya maji bila valve ya kutolea nje imewekwa. Wakati tanuru iko nje ya huduma kwa muda mrefu, gesi ni rahisi kuingia kwenye kitenganishi cha maji. Wakati tanuru ya kuyeyusha chuma inapoanza tena, sehemu ya gesi itabaki kwenye kitenganishi cha maji na sanduku la maji baridi la vifaa na haiwezi kuruhusiwa, na kusababisha kutofaulu kwa sehemu hii. Baridi ya maji yanayozunguka husababisha joto kuwa juu sana kuteketeza vifaa. Kwa hivyo, mfumo wa kupoza maji bila valve ya kukimbia hautumiwi kwa muda mrefu, na imeamilishwa tena. Bamba la maji katika sehemu ya juu zaidi ya kitenganishi cha maji lazima lifunguliwe ili kutoa gesi iliyobaki.