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Ways to improve the efficiency of industrial chillers

Ways to improve the efficiency of పారిశ్రామిక చల్లర్లు

First of all, the maintenance cycle is customized.

Refrigerators need to be maintained, and any machinery and equipment need to be maintained. I believe everyone knows. However, maintenance requires a cycle. It is not possible to perform frequent maintenance blindly, and it is not possible to stay out of maintenance for a long time. Therefore, A fixed period of maintenance should be set.

It should be noted that this cycle should be determined according to the actual situation.

Second, figure out what is most important to the refrigerator?

Of course it is the compressor!

The compressor is one of the most important parts of a refrigerator. What is the most important for the compressor of a refrigerator? Of course it is lubrication!

Therefore, the compressor should be lubricated. The most important thing is to use refrigerated lubricating oil that meets the quality standards for the compressor, and pay attention to various aspects: including but not limited to regular inspections of whether the oil separator device is operating normally and When the oil quality deteriorates, replace the refrigerated lubricating oil to ensure that the refrigerated lubricating oil is normal.

In addition to customizing a fixed maintenance cycle and performing regular lubrication checks on the compressor, you should also do the following:

One, regular cleaning and cleaning.

Both, check the quality and quantity of refrigerant frequently.

If the quality of the refrigerant is not good, it will cause various problems, so the quality and quantity of the refrigerant should be checked regularly.

The amount of refrigerant is also the focus of inspection. The so-called “quantity” refers to “how much”. The refrigerant in the refrigeration system cannot be too little or too much!

The three, the timely detection and resolution of faults.

Refrigerators, like other types of equipment, will always have such failures. The difference is only the level of failure probability, but as long as they are resolved in time, greater failures can be avoided. Therefore, if a problem is discovered, it should be resolved immediately, rather than delayed.