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mica products mainly include mica tape, mica board, mica foil, etc., all of which are composed of mica or mica powder, adhesives and reinforcing materials. Different material combinations can be made into mica insulating materials with various different characteristics. Mica tape is composed of adhesive, powder mica or flake mica, and reinforcing materials. It is mainly used for main insulation or phase insulation of high-voltage motors. Soft mica boards are divided into two types: soft mica boards and mica foils. The soft mica board is mainly used for motor slot insulation and end layer insulation.

Mica foil has B-grade shellac glass mica foil (5833), its dielectric strength is 16~35kV/mm; B-grade epoxy glass powder mica foil (5836-1), its dielectric strength is 16~35kV/mm; Grade H organosilicon glass mica foil (5850) has a dielectric strength of 16~35kV/mm; Grade F polyphenol ether polyimide film glass powder mica foil has a dielectric strength of 40kV/mm.

Мика як минерали ташаккулёбанда аст, ки одатан дар шакли плитаи псевдо-шашкунҷа ё ромбикӣ, варақ ё булӯр аст. Ранг бо тағирёбии таркиби химиявӣ фарқ мекунад ва бо афзоиши мундариҷаи Fe ториктар мешавад. Бештар дар саноат мусковит ва баъд флогопит истифода мешаванд. Он ба таври васеъ дар саноати масолеҳи сохтмон, саноати муҳофизат аз сӯхтор, агенти сӯхторхомӯшкунӣ, асои кафшерӣ, пластикӣ, изолятсияи барқӣ, коғазсозӣ, коғази асфалтӣ, резина, пигментҳои марворид ва дигар соҳаҳои кимиё истифода мешавад.

mica products are composed of mica or powder mica, adhesives and reinforcing materials. Adhesives mainly include asphalt paint, shellac paint, alkyd paint, epoxy paint, organic silicon paint and ammonium phosphate aqueous solution. Reinforcing materials mainly include mica tape, silk and alkali-free glass cloth.

mica tape is a ribbon-shaped insulating material made by bonding mica flakes or powdered mica paper and reinforcing materials with an adhesive, after drying and slitting. Mica tape has flexibility and windability at room temperature, good mechanical and electrical properties in cold and hot conditions, good corona resistance, and can continuously wrap motor wires.