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Ҷорӣ ва иҷрои чӯбҳои изолятсия барои печҳои индуксионии гудохта

Introduction and performance of insulating rods for печҳои гудохтани индуксия

Insulation rod for induction melting furnace is made of alkali-free glass fiber synthetic fiber yarn, felt and fabric as reinforcing material, soaked in solvent-free resin, continuously baked on professional mold by “drawing and forming” process, and solid-pressed to form products with cross-sectional shape. Such as round rods, square rods, groove wedges, I-beams, grooved parts, etc., as well as various complex-shaped products. It has extremely high mechanical strength in the fiber direction, good dielectric properties and characteristics of any length.

Силсилаи диаметри чубҳои изолятсионӣ барои печҳои индуксионии даврашакл: φ12, φ16, φ18, φ20, φ22, φ24, φ25, φ26, φ28, φ30, φ32, φ34, φ35, φ38, φ40, φ45, φ46, φ50, φ53, φ60 , φ63, φ70, φ76, φ80, φ90, φ110

Силсилаи диаметри чубҳои изолятсия барои печҳои гудохтаи индуксионии мураббаъ: 10×20, 10×22, 10×30, 12×55, 16×22, ​​16×25, 16×30, 16×110, 20×25, 20 ×30, 20×35, 20×40, 30*30, 30×40, 40*4040*5050*5050×60, 55×60, 60*6060*7070×80

Дар боло баъзе мушаххасоти анъанавии чубҳои изолятсия барои печҳои обшавии индуксионӣ мебошанд. Хусусиятҳои махсусро тавассути кушодани қолабҳо коркард кардан мумкин аст!