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What are the characteristics of the melting period of the metal charge of the induction melting furnace?

① The metal charge of the 感應熔煉爐 逐漸熔化,逐漸形成鋼水。 鋼水相對錶面積大,熔池較淺,非常有利於脫氣和去除非金屬夾雜物。 去除的夾雜物佔總夾雜物的70%。 多於;

② Most gases can be removed during the melting period. Hydrogen can remove 70-80%, nitrogen can remove 60-70%, and oxygen can remove 30-40%;

③ The metal charge emits a large amount of gas during the heating and melting process, which reduces the vacuum degree;

④ In the melting process of the metal charge, the temperature of the metal material around the crucible wall is the highest (especially the middle and lower part), and is the first to melt. Due to the combined effect of eddy current heat, radiant heat, and conduction heat, the entire metal charge gradually sinks automatically, and the molten steel The temperature is stable.