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一、設計參數 感應加熱爐

Why is the induction heating furnace coil design complex and various? This has a great relationship with the design parameters of the induction heating furnace coil. The design parameters of the induction heating furnace coil are directly related to the material of the heated metal, the specific heat energy of the metal, the heating temperature, the size, weight and production efficiency of the heated metal. Any parameter change of the heated metal workpiece will cause induction. The number of turns of the furnace coil, copper tube gauge, coil length, coil diameter, or coil shape changes.


感應加熱爐 線圈一般分為貫穿式加熱線圈、局部或端部加熱線圈、扁平或橢圓形加熱線圈、鋼板加熱線圈、鋼管加熱線圈、長棒加熱線圈、鋼坯加熱線圈、大功率分段加熱線圈加熱線圈, ETC。

3. The structure of the induction heating furnace coil

感應加熱爐 線圈是由矩形銅管按照設計的銅管規格、直徑和匝數在繞線機上繞製而成。 線圈上焊接銅螺絲,銅螺絲上安裝匝間有一定距離的膠木柱。 固定線圈匝間距離,保持感應加熱爐線圈形狀不變。 一般線圈噴絕緣漆、雲母帶纏繞、玻璃帶纏繞、絕緣漆固化。 四到絕緣處理,然後打結爐襯保護線圈和輔助底部支架。 固定、不銹鋼爐口板、外圍膠板、水路、豎排和卡扣連接排等,組成一個完整的感應加熱爐線圈。