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如何維護 高頻淬火機 延長產品壽命?



3. When the high-frequency quenching machine is working, it will generate high-energy heat, so it is not easy to place it next to the machine that generates high heat, or other spaces with high temperature, and it is not suitable to be placed in the place where the sun is directly irradiated. The important components of the induction hardening machine will have great disadvantages, so it is not recommended to place them.


5、高頻淬火機開機時,會聽到風扇轉動的聲音。 這是核心部件散熱的冷卻風扇。 如果風扇出現故障,需要立即關閉電源並立即安排技術維修。

  1. The high-frequency quenching machine should also be dedusted from time to time, and the water pipes of the equipment should be descaled to ensure the normal operation of the equipment.