- 31
- Oct
Epoxy glass fiber rods are made of electrical alkali-free glass fiber cloth impregnated with epoxy resin, baked, and processed by hot pressing in a forming mold. The circular rod is a glass cloth rod with high mechanical properties. Dielectric properties and good machinability
Epoxy glass fiber rods are made of electrical alkali-free glass fiber cloth impregnated with epoxy resin, baked, and processed by hot pressing in a forming mold. The circular rod is a glass cloth rod with high mechanical properties. Dielectric properties and good machinability. The heat resistance grade can be divided into B grade (130 degrees) F grade (155 degrees) H grade (180 degrees) and C grade (above 180 degrees). It is suitable for insulating structural parts in electrical equipment, and can be used in damp environment and transformer oil.
產品表面應平整光滑,無氣泡、油污和雜質。 允許不妨礙使用的顏色不均勻、划痕和輕微的高度不均勻。 直徑大於25mm的夾層玻璃布棒,其端部或斷面允許有不妨礙使用的裂紋。 .