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KGPS intermediate frequency power supply is a thyristor intermediate frequency power supply, which is a kind of stop frequency conversion equipment, which uses thyristor components to change the three-phase industrial frequency power supply into a single-phase intermediate frequency power supply. This equipment has strong adaptability to various loads and a wide range of applications. It is mainly used for smelting, heat preservation, sintering, welding, quenching, tempering, diathermy, metal liquid purification, heat treatment, pipe bending, and crystal growth of various metals. .


1、電源櫃採用冷軋鋼板噴塑而成,部件合理,便於設備調試和維修。 冷卻方式為風冷或水冷。


3. The control core of this equipment is divided into two categories, namely, the most advanced constant power control panel in China is used for sweep frequency start (2.6, 3200 and 3206 series intermediate frequency equipment) and the zero-start control panel (2.7 and 2.8 series intermediate frequency equipment) During the entire starting process, the frequency conditioning system and the current conditioning system track the load changes over time, completing the more ambitious closed-loop soft start. This starting method has a small impact on the thyristor and is beneficial to extend the useful life of the thyristor. At the same time, it also has the advantage of simple starting for light and heavy loads.

4、在運行過程中主動調節輸出功率,使設備始終處於最大輸出功率的工作狀態。 尤其是熔煉場合,有效提高熔煉速度。

5、無需專人值班。 該設備的操作極其簡單。 只有一個電源開關和一個電源調節旋鈕。 開機後,只要把電源旋鈕調到最大,設備就會主動進行其餘的操作。 當爐子突然加料時,設備會主動調節功率,不會出現過流過壓關斷頂開關的不良現象。

6、由於冶煉速度較快,熱效率高,提高了單位產量,一般不顯示電流關斷工況,全部工作在最高直流輸出電壓(整流a=00)下,因此該設備的輸入功率因數高,可達0.94,經濟效益更為顯著。 平均輸出功率可提高10-20%,熔煉週期可減少到原來的2/3,單位產量可提高1.5倍,可節約電耗10%以上。

  1. 本設備保護電路完善,使晶閘管元件始終在安全範圍內運行,壽命顯著延長,損壞率大大降低。
