- 21
- Jan
Insulating bushings of lightning arresters are indispensable in the use of lightning arresters.
在絕緣套管中使用避雷器仍然比較普遍。 雖然一般的塑料套管也能起到絕緣作用,但在避雷器中使用還是不合適的。 由於塑料絕緣不耐電,觸電會熔化,但通過玻璃纖維纏繞管製成的絕緣套管在避雷器的使用中要好得多。 由於環氧管耐電擊、耐腐蝕,其產品特點突出、安全、絕緣、耐用。 因此,避雷器絕緣套管的作用還是很大的。
Therefore, the role of the lightning arrester insulating sleeve is very great. Now many insulating materials are replaced by epoxy pipes. Because of its advantages, the key is to be affordable and cheap, which has saved costs for many manufacturers.