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What are the energy-saving advantages of 感應加熱爐?

1. The induction heating furnace has fast heating speed and less oxidation and decarburization. Because the principle of induction heating in the induction heating furnace is electromagnetic induction, the heat is generated by the workpiece itself. This heating method has a fast heating speed, minimal oxidation, high heating efficiency, and process repeatability Good performance, the metal surface is only slightly decolorized, and a slight polishing can restore the surface to mirror brightness, thereby effectively obtaining constant and consistent material properties.



4、感應加熱爐爐體更換方便。 根據被加工工件的大小,需要配置不同規格的感應爐體。 每個爐體均設計有水電快換接頭,使爐體更換簡單、快捷、方便。

5、設備保護齊全。 感應加熱爐設有水溫、水壓、缺相、過壓、過流、限壓/限流、啟動過流、恆流、緩衝啟動,使設備啟動平穩,保護可靠迅速。 順利運行。

6、感應加熱爐能耗低,無污染,加熱效率高。 與其他加熱方式相比,有效降低能耗,勞動生產率高,無污染,設備符合環保要求。