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Features of induction melting furnace

Features of induction melting furnace

Induction melting furnace is a power supply device that converts 50HZ power frequency alternating current to intermediate frequency (300HZ above to 1000HZ). It converts three-phase power frequency alternating current into direct current after rectification, and then converts the direct current into adjustable intermediate frequency current, which is supplied by The medium-frequency alternating current flowing in the capacitor and the induction coil generates high-density magnetic lines of force in the induction coil, and cuts the metal material contained in the induction coil, and generates a large eddy current in the metal material to melt the metal

کی خصوصیات انڈکشن پگھلنے بھٹی

A The melting speed is fast, the power saving effect is good, the burning loss is less, and the energy consumption is low.

B Self-stirring function, smelting temperature and uniform metal composition.

C The working environment of electric heating is good.

  1. Good start-up performance, 100% start-up can be achieved for both empty and full furnaces