- 16
- Oct
SD3-4-13 energiya tejaydigan tolalarga chidamli pech
Energy-saving fiber resistance furnace SX3-3-13 detailed introduction
Performance characteristics of energy-saving fiber resistance furnace SX3-3-13:
■High temperature insulated furnace wire or silicon carbon rod heating is optional
■ Yuqori aniqlik, xato 0 daraja yuqori haroratda “1000” dir
■ Birlashtirilgan ishlab chiqarish, o’rnatishga hojat yo’q, uni quvvat manbaiga ulanganda ishlatish mumkin
■Energy-saving fiber resistance furnace SX3-3-13 control system adopts LTDE technology, with 30-band programmable function, secondary over-temperature protection.
■ Og’irligi an’anaviy elektr o’choqqa qaraganda 70% engilroq, tashqi ko’rinishi kichik, ishchi xonaning kattaligi katta va tashqi o’lchami an’anaviy elektr pechining ish hajmidan 50% katta.
The energy-saving fiber resistance furnace SX3-3-13 (ceramic fiber muffle furnace) solves the cumbersome preparation work of the original energy-saving fiber resistance furnace, such as installation, connection, and debugging. Just turn on the power to work. The furnace is made of ultra-light materials, which is one-fifth of the weight of the original energy-saving fiber resistance furnace, and the heating speed is three times that of the original energy-saving fiber resistance furnace (speed adjustable). The control system adopts LTDE technology, automatic intelligent control, with 30-segment programming, curve heating, automatic constant temperature, automatic shutdown, PID+SSR system synchronization and coordinated control, making the consistency and reproducibility of the test or experiment possible. It has automatic constant temperature and time control functions, and is equipped with a secondary over-temperature automatic protection function, which is reliable in control and safe in use. The controller is located under the box and is integrated. The electrical connection of the furnace body and the temperature controller has been completed before leaving the factory. It can be used when it is connected to the power supply. It is an ideal high-temperature furnace for universities, research institutes, industrial and mining enterprises, and laboratories
Details of SX3-3-13 energy-saving fiber resistance furnace:
Energy-saving fiber resistance furnace SX3-3-13 furnace body structure and materials
Furnace shell material: the outer box shell is made of high-quality cold plate, treated with phosphoric acid film salt, and sprayed at high temperature, the color is computer gray, and the double shell structure;
Olovli material: tez sovuq va issiqlikka chidamli olti qirrali yuqori nurlanishli, past issiqlikli va ultra yengil tolali pechkali taxtadan yasalgan va energiya tejaydigan va samarali;
Yalıtım usuli: havo issiqlik tarqalishi;
Haroratni o’lchash porti: termojuft o’choq tanasining yuqori orqa qismidan kiradi;
Terminal: isitish simli terminali o’choq tanasining pastki orqa qismida joylashgan;
Nazoratchi: o’choq tanasi ostida joylashgan, o’rnatilgan boshqaruv tizimi, o’choq tanasiga ulangan kompensatsion sim
Heating element: U-shaped silicon carbide rod;
Mashinaning umumiy og’irligi: taxminan 43 kg
Standart qadoqlash: yog’och quti
Energy-saving fiber resistance furnace SX3-3-13 product technical parameters
Harorat oralig’i: 100 ~ 1300 ℃;
Dalgalanish: ± 1 ℃;
Displey aniqligi: 1 ℃;
Pech hajmi: 300 × 200 × 150 mm
Dimensions: 605×420×510MM
Isitish tezligi: ≤50 ° C/min; (har daqiqada 50 darajadan past bo’lgan har qanday tezlikni o’zboshimchalik bilan sozlash mumkin)
Whole machine power: 3KW; Power source: 220V, 50Hz
Energy-saving fiber resistance furnace SX3-3-13 temperature control system
Haroratni o’lchash: s indeks platina rodyum-platina termojufti;
Boshqaruv tizimi: LTDE to’liq avtomatik programlanadigan asbob, PID sozlamalari, displey aniqligi 1 ℃
Elektr jihozlarining to’liq to’plamlari: tovar kontaktorlari, sovutish foniylari, qattiq rölelardan foydalaning;
Vaqt tizimi: isitish vaqtini sozlash mumkin, haroratni doimiy nazorat qilish, doimiy harorat vaqtiga yetganda avtomatik o’chirish;
Haddan tashqari haroratni muhofaza qilish: O’rnatilgan ikkinchi darajali yuqori haroratli himoya qurilmasi, ikki tomonlama sug’urta. XNUMX
Ish tartibi: to’liq diapazon uchun sozlanishi doimiy harorat, doimiy ishlash; dasturning ishlashi.
Technical data and accessories equipped with energy-saving fiber resistance furnace SX3-3-13
Foydalanish bo’yicha ko’rsatmalar
kafolat kartasi
Energy-saving fiber resistance furnace SX3-3-13 main components
LTDE dasturlashtiriladigan boshqaruv asbobi
qattiq jismning o’rni
O’rtacha o’rni
Sovutish mexanizmi
Yuqori haroratli isitish simlari