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Introduction to the advantages of hard mica board

ning afzalliklari bilan tanishtirish hard mica board

1. Hard muscovite board, the product is silver white, temperature resistance grade: 500 ℃ temperature resistance under continuous use conditions, 850 ℃ temperature resistance under intermittent use conditions.

2. Hardness phlogopite board, the product is golden, temperature resistance grade: temperature resistance 850 ℃ under continuous use conditions, 1050 ℃ temperature resistance under intermittent use conditions.

3. Zo’r yuqori haroratga chidamli izolyatsiyalash ko’rsatkichi, eng yuqori harorat qarshiligi 1000 ℃ ga teng va u yuqori haroratli izolyatsiya materiallari orasida yaxshi narx ko’rsatkichiga ega.

4. Zo’r elektr izolyatsiyasi ko’rsatkichlari. Oddiy mahsulotlarning kuchlanish buzilish indeksi 20KV/mm gacha.

5. Zo’r bükme quvvati va ishlov berish ko’rsatkichi. Mahsulot yuqori egilish kuchiga va mukammal mustahkamlikka ega. U delaminatsiyasiz turli shakllarda qayta ishlanishi mumkin.

6. Zo’r ekologik ko’rsatkich, mahsulot asbestni o’z ichiga olmaydi, qizdirilganda tutun va hid kamroq bo’ladi, hatto tutunsiz va ta’msiz.

7. Hard mica board is a high-strength plate-like material, which can still maintain its original performance under high temperature conditions.