- 06
- Dec
What are the precautions for the muffle furnace?
What are the precautions for the muffle o’chog’i?
1. When the muffle furnace is used or used again after a long period of inactivity, the furnace must be baked. The oven time should be four hours at room temperature 200°C. 200°C to 600°C for four hours. When in use, the furnace temperature should not exceed the rated temperature, so as not to burn the heating element. It is forbidden to pour various liquids and easily soluble metals into the furnace. The muffle furnace is better to work at a temperature below 50 ℃ below the high temperature, at which time the furnace wire has a longer life.
2. Mufel o’chog’i va regulyator nisbiy namlik 85% dan oshmaydigan, o’tkazuvchan chang, portlovchi gaz yoki korroziy gaz bo’lmagan joyda ishlashi kerak. Yog ‘yoki shunga o’xshash metall materialni isitish kerak bo’lganda, ko’p miqdorda uchuvchi gaz elektr isitish elementining yuzasiga ta’sir qiladi va korroziyaga olib keladi, bu esa uni yo’q qilishga va xizmat muddatini qisqartirishga olib keladi. Shuning uchun, isitishning o’z vaqtida oldini olish va uni olib tashlash uchun idishni yopish yoki to’g’ri ochish kerak.
3. The muffle furnace controller should be limited to use within the ambient temperature range of 0-40℃.
4. According to technical requirements, regularly check whether the wiring of the electric furnace and the controller is in good condition, whether the pointer of the indicator is stuck or stagnated when moving, and use the potentiometer to verify the meter due to magnet, demagnetization, wire expansion, and shrapnel Increased error caused by fatigue, balance failure, etc.
5. Ko’ylagi yorilib ketmasligi uchun yuqori haroratda termojuftni to’satdan tortib olmang.
6. Always keep the muffle furnace clean and remove oxides in the furnace in time.