- 29
- Dec
Steel plate quenching production line manufacturer
Steel plate quenching production line manufacturer
Steel plate quenching production line manufacturer-Luoyang Songdao Induction Heating Technology Co., Ltd. has many years of production experience in induction heating equipment, induction heat treatment equipment, and quenched and tempered heat treatment production lines. Brand manufacturers and professional engineers will tailor you to your process requirements Customize the steel plate quenching production line that suits you and create high profits for you. The steel plate quenching production line adopts a PLC automatic intelligent control system with a human-machine interface, and one person can operate the production of the entire steel plate quenching production line.
Technical parameters of steel plate quenching production line:
1. Power supply system, 100KW-4000KW/200Hz-8000HZ intelligent intermediate frequency induction heating quvvatlantirish manbai.
2. Ish qismi materiali: uglerodli po’lat, qotishma po’lat, yuqori haroratli qotishma po’lat va boshqalar.
3. Main purpose: used for heat treatment of steel plate and slab.
4. Energiyani konvertatsiya qilish: har bir tonna po’latni 1150 ° S ga qizdirish, quvvat iste’moli 330-360 daraja.
5. Foydalanuvchi ehtiyojlariga ko’ra, sensorli ekran yoki sanoat kompyuter tizimi bilan masofaviy ishlash konsolini taqdim eting.
6. The steel plate quenching production line has all-digital, high-depth adjustable parameters, allowing you to control the equipment handily.
7. Formulani boshqarish funktsiyasi, kuchli formulani boshqarish tizimi, ishlab chiqariladigan po’lat va plastinka turi parametrlarini tanlagandan so’ng, tegishli parametrlar avtomatik ravishda chaqiriladi va kerakli parametr qiymatlarini qo’lda yozish, maslahatlashish va kiritishning hojati yo’q. turli xil ish qismlari tomonidan.