- 12
- Jan
Basic introduction of FR4 epoxy glass fiber board
Asosiy kirish FR4 epoksi shisha tolali taxta
FR4 epoxy glass fiber board alias: glass fiber insulation board, glass fiber board (FR-4), glass fiber composite board, etc., composed of glass fiber materials and high heat-resistant composite materials, and does not contain asbestos harmful to the human body. . It has high mechanical and dielectric properties, good heat resistance and moisture resistance, and good processability.
FR4 epoksi shisha tolali taxtasi o’rtacha haroratda mexanik xususiyatlariga to’liq ta’sir ko’rsatishi mumkin; yuqori haroratli muhitda u elektr xususiyatlarini to’liq o’ynashi mumkin. Shuning uchun, bu xususiyatlar tufayli, epoksi taxta elektr va elektron sohalarda yuqori izolyatsiyali tarkibiy qismlarga juda mos keladi. U 3240 milliy standartli taxtaga qaraganda yuqori mexanik kuch va kuchlanish buzilishiga qarshilikka ega.