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Advantages of induction heating furnace for heating stainless steel

Advantages of induction heating furnace for heating stainless steel

Songdao specializes in the research and development, design, technology, application, manufacturing and sales of induction heating equipment and induction heat treatment equipment. It has rich experience and practical cases in heating stainless steel induction heating furnaces. According to your manufacturing requirements, process special processing The indüksiyon isitish pechkasi and supporting equipment for heating stainless steel.

Technical parameters of induction heating furnace for heating stainless steel:

1. Elektr ta’minoti tizimi: IGBT200KW-IGBT2000KW.

2. Ish qismi materiali: karbonli po’lat, qotishma po’lat

3. Uskunaning quvvati: soatiga 0.2-16 tonna.

4. Elastik sozlanishi bosimli rolik: turli diametrli ish qismlarini bir xil tezlikda oziqlantirish mumkin. Rolikli stol va o’choq korpuslari orasidagi bosim rulosi 304 magnit bo’lmagan zanglamaydigan po’latdan yasalgan va suv bilan sovutilgan.

5. Energiyani aylantirish: 930 ℃ ~ 1050 ℃ gacha isitish, quvvat iste’moli 280 ~ 320 ℃.

6. Infrared temperature measurement: an infrared temperature measurement device is installed at the discharge end to make the heating temperature of the workpiece consistent.

7. Ehtiyojlaringiz bo’yicha sensorli ekran yoki sanoat kompyuter tizimi bilan masofaviy operatsion konsolini taqdim eting.

8. Inson-mashina interfeysi sensorli ekranli PLC avtomatik aqlli boshqaruv tizimi, foydalanuvchilarga juda qulay foydalanish ko’rsatmalari.

Process flow of stainless steel induction heating system:

The workpiece is placed in the storage rack → automatic feeding device feeding → the nipper roll feeding system in front of the furnace → the induction heating system in the furnace → the nip roll quick discharge system → infrared temperature measurement and temperature control system → output system → storage table


Composition of induction heating furnace for heating stainless steel:

1. Medium frequency air-cooled induction heating power supply

2. Induksion isitish pechining korpusi

3. Compensation capacitor furnace body cabinet (including stainless steel pipes, capacitor cabinet group, conveying roller and pressure conveying roller)

4. Fully automatic intelligent PLC control system for human-machine interface

5. The connection wire from the power supply to the furnace body

6. Two-color infrared temperature measurement system

7. Saqlash rafi va avtomatik oziqlantirish va tashish tizimi