- 19
- Jan
Special equipment for anti-collision beam and rod quenching is cost-effective-engineer one-to-one service
Special equipment for anti-collision beam and rod quenching is cost-effective-engineer one-to-one service
We provide you with cost-effective anti-collision beam and rod quenching special equipment, and professional engineers provide you with one-to-one question answering services. If you have any needs in this regard, you can consult our electrical engineers for free.
Main technical parameters of anti-collision beam and rod quenching special equipment:
1. Power supply system: air-cooled IGBT new energy-saving indüksiyon isitish manbai
2. Bir soatda ishlab chiqarish 0.5-2.5 tonnani tashkil etadi va qo’llash doirasi ø15-ø65mm.
3. Tashish rolikli stol: Rolikli stolning o’qi va ishlov beriladigan qismning o’qi 18-21 ° burchak hosil qiladi. Ish qismi isitishni bir xilda qilish uchun doimiy tezlikda oldinga siljish paytida aylanadi. Pech korpuslari orasidagi rolikli stol 304 magnit bo’lmagan zanglamaydigan po’latdan yasalgan va suv bilan sovutilgan.
4. The roller table grouping of special equipment for anti-collision beam and rod quenching: the feeding group, the sensor group and the discharging group are independently controlled, which is conducive to continuous heating without gaps between the workpieces.
5. Haroratni yopiq pastadir nazorati: isitish va söndürme haroratni aniq nazorat qilish uchun Amerika Leitai infraqizil termometrini yopiq pastadir nazorat qilish tizimini qabul qiladi.
6. Sanoat kompyuter tizimi: ishchi parametrlarning joriy holatini real vaqt rejimida ko’rsatish, ish qismi parametrlari xotirasi, saqlash, bosib chiqarish, nosozliklarni ko’rsatish, signal va boshqa funktsiyalar.
Commitment of after-sales service of special equipment for quenching of anti-collision beams and rods:
1. The equipment shall be repaired free of charge for non-artificial damage within 12 months and life-long maintenance.
2. Free training of operation and maintenance personnel, long-term technical support and service.
3. The operation manual and equipment list of special equipment for quenching of anti-collision beams and rods will be provided free of charge.
4. If the induction heating equipment fails, firstly, it will be solved by telephone guidance within 2 hours, and the technician will be sent to the scene within 24 hours to troubleshoot the failure.
5. 24 hours a day after-sales and technical support services, normal startup during holidays.