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Chillerlarni sotib olishning umumiy qiymatini qanday kamaytirish va tejamkor mahsulotlarni sotib olish mumkin?

Umumiy sotib olish narxini qanday kamaytirish mumkin sovutgichlar and buy cost-effective products?

1. Highlight the cost-effectiveness of the chiller: The cost-effectiveness should not only be the price as the main assessment content, because price and quality are inevitable, so in the process of choosing the purchase of chiller equipment, it is necessary to meet the actual needs according to the actual demand, and the price cannot be the main In order to fully meet the production needs of enterprises, it is necessary to select products with relatively stable performance, especially for the main parts of many chillers.

2. Kompressorlar kabi asosiy komponentlarni tanlashga e’tibor bering: Kompressorlar chillerlarning ishlashiga ta’sir qiluvchi asosiy ko’rsatkichlardir. Sovutgichlarni ishlab chiqarish jarayonida ko’plab sovutish zavodlari umumiy ishlab chiqarish xarajatlarini nazorat qilish uchun kompressorlar kabi asosiy qismlar uchun sifatdan foydalanadilar. Kam mahsulotlar va hatto yangilangan kompressorlardan foydalanish chillerning keyingi foydalanish samaradorligiga jiddiy ta’sir qiladi, natijada energiya iste’moli doimiy ravishda oshib boradi, bu esa korxonalarning ishlab chiqarishiga jiddiy ta’sir qiladi.

3. How to reduce the purchase cost: Under the premise of ensuring the specific performance of the chiller, purchasing the chiller product with a higher cost performance can reduce the cost in time and meet the needs of the company to purchase the chiller with the least capital.

Chiller uskunasini sotib olish uchun siz haqiqiy foydalanish muhitiga mos mahsulotlarni tanlashingiz kerak, ayniqsa barcha turdagi asosiy aksessuarlar uchun ehtiyotkorlik bilan tanlashingiz kerak. Faqat ishlab chiqarishni yakunlash uchun yuqori sifatli aksessuarlarga tayanadigan sovutgichlar barqaror ishlashga ega bo’lishi mumkin. Uzoq muddatli sovutgichlar uchun Ushbu mahsulotning xizmat qilish muddati muhim ta’sir ko’rsatadi.