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What are the precautions for using the muffle furnace

Ni ishlatish uchun qanday choralar mavjud muffle o’chog’i

Mufel o’chog’i sanoat va tog’-kon korxonalari, ilmiy tadqiqot va boshqa birliklarning laboratoriyalarida kichik po’lat qismlarni issiqlik bilan ishlov berishda kimyoviy tahlil qilish, fizikaviy aniqlash va kichik po’lat qismlarni isitish uchun ishlatilishi mumkin. Foydalanishda bir nechta fikrlarga alohida e’tibor berish kerak:

Mufel o’chog’i ishlatilganda yoki uzoq vaqt harakatsizlikdan keyin yana foydalanilganda, pechni bajarish kerak. Pech to’rt soat davomida 200 ° C xona haroratida bo’lishi kerak. 200 ° C dan 600 ° C gacha to’rt soat. Ishlatilganda, elektr isitish elementlarini yoqmaslik uchun pechning harorati qo’shimcha haroratdan oshmasligi kerak. Pechga turli xil suyuqliklar va oson eriydigan metallarni quyishni to’xtating. Pech 50 ℃ dan past haroratda ishlaydi va o’choq simi uzoq umrga ega.

It is necessary for the muffle furnace and controller to operate in a place where the relative humidity does not exceed 85%, and there is no conductive dust, explosive gas or corrosive gas. When metal materials with grease or the like need to be heated, a lot of volatile gases will affect and corrode the appearance of the electric heating element, destroying it and shortening its life. Therefore, the heating should be prevented in time and the container should be sealed or properly opened and cleaned.

Muffle pechining boshqaruvchisi 0-40 ℃ atrof-muhit harorati oralig’ida cheklanishi kerak. Ko’ylagi yorilishiga yo’l qo’ymaslik uchun yuqori haroratda termojuftni to’satdan tortib olmang.

According to skill requests, regularly check whether the wiring of the high-temperature muffle furnace controller is excellent, whether the pointer of the indicator is stuck and staying when moving, and use a potentiometer to correct the appearance of magnets, demagnetization, wire expansion, and shrapnel Increased errors caused by fatigue, balance damage, etc. Frequently insist on cleaning the muffle furnace hearth to remove oxides and other things in the furnace in time.