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Technical parameters of stainless steel online annealing furnace

Technical parameters of stainless steel online annealing furnace:

1. Elektr ta’minoti tizimi: IGBT200KW-IGBT2000KW.

2. Ish qismi materiali: karbonli po’lat, qotishma po’lat

3. The output per hour is 0.5-16 tons, and the applicable range is ø20-ø180mm.

4. Infrared temperature measurement: set an infrared temperature measurement device at the discharge end to make the heating temperature of the workpiece consistent.

5. Ehtiyojlaringiz bo’yicha masofaviy konsolni sensorli ekran yoki sanoat kompyuter tizimi bilan ta’minlang.

6. Inson-mashina interfeysi sensorli ekranli PLC avtomatik aqlli boshqaruv tizimi, foydalanuvchilarga juda qulay foydalanish ko’rsatmalari.

Stainless steel online annealing furnace composition:

1. O’rta chastotali havo sovutgichli induksion isitish quvvat manbai

2. Induksion isitish pechining korpusi

3. Human-machine interface automatic intelligent PLC control system

4. The connecting wire from the power supply to the furnace body

5. Ikki rangli infraqizil haroratni o’lchash tizimi

6. Cylinder push device