- 01
- Apr
Advantages and characteristics of stainless steel online annealing furnace
Advantages and characteristics of stainless steel online annealing furnace:
1. Raqamli havo sovutgichli induksion isitish quvvatini nazorat qilish, energiya tejash va atrof-muhitni muhofaza qilish, kam quvvat iste’moli;
2. Fast heating speed, less oxidative decarbonization, high production efficiency, and energy-saving raw materials;
3. Barqaror va bir xil isitish, yuqori haroratni nazorat qilish aniqligi, kichik harorat farqi, ifloslanish yo’q;
4. Avtomatik aqlli inson-mashina interfeysi PLC boshqaruv dasturi “bir kalitli ishga tushirish” funktsiyasiga ega;
5. Complete protection functions, automatic alarm function for stainless steel online annealing furnace failure, and strong operation reliability;
6. Less oxidative decarburization: Since the heat is generated inside the heated workpiece, the heating rate is fast, the efficiency is high, and the surface of the workpiece is less oxidized and decarburized, saving raw materials.