- 20
- Apr
Induksion isitish pechining induktorlari qanday tuzilmalardan iborat?
What are the structures of the inductors of the induksion isitish pechi?
Since the parts to be heated have various shapes, the shapes and types of inductors used in actual production are also varied. However, the structure of the inductors of the induction heating furnace is generally the same. . Here, the structure of the inductor of an induction heating furnace is introduced.
1. The induction coil of the inductor of the induction heating furnace is also called the effective coil. After the induction coil is energized, an alternating magnetic field is generated, which generates eddy currents on the surface of the parts and heats the parts. The induction coil is the core part of the sensor. The height of the inductor of the induction heating furnace generally refers to the height of the induction coil.
2. Induksion isitish pechining induktorining kollektori ham kollektor deb ataladi. Kollektorlar sezgir o’tkazgichlarga oqim kiritadi.
3. The terminal board of the inductor of the induction heating furnace is also called the terminal block or the connection board. The terminal block is used to connect the sensor to the output of the transformer or the fastening part of the hardening machine. Water passes through this and cools the induction coil.
4. Induksion isitish pechining induktorining suv ta’minoti qurilmasi induktorning o’zini suv bilan sovutish uchun, shuningdek, qismlarni söndürme va sovutish uchun ishlatiladi. Ba’zi suv ta’minoti qurilmalari o’rnatish o’rindig’i bilan birlashtiriladi va ba’zi suv ta’minoti qurilmalari suv quvurlari bilan alohida payvandlanadi.
5. Ba’zi hollarda induksion isitish pechining induktori, shuningdek, magnit o’tkazgich, magnit ekranlash moslamasi, joylashishni aniqlash moslamasi va induktorning deformatsiyasini oldini olish uchun kuchli qurilma bilan jihozlangan.