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Induksion pechning tugunlash jarayonida e’tibor berish kerak bo’lgan masalalar (to’qnashuv materiali)

Induksion pechning tugunlash jarayonida e’tibor berish kerak bo’lgan masalalar (to’qnashuv materiali)

There are many steps in the whole process of induction furnace (ramming material), and knotting is some of the more important processes. And the process of knotting can also affect the service life of the furnace.

Luoyang Songdao interprets what matters should be paid attention to in the knotting process of furnace lining material (ramming material) to ensure that it does not affect the service life of the furnace?

1. Standart ishlash jarayonini standartlashtiring, lekin qo’shimcha ravishda, ramming materialining tugunlash jarayonida ko’plab ehtiyot choralari mavjud.

Misol uchun, tugunni bog’lashdan oldin, elektr ta’minotini ta’minlash va suv ta’minoti tizimini yaxshilash uchun, shuningdek, har bir loyihaning xodimlari orqali oldindan tayyorgarlik ko’rish kerak. Albatta, u shuningdek, xodimlarga tez yonuvchi va portlovchi materiallarni, shu jumladan uyali telefonlar, kalitlar va boshqa narsalarni ish joyiga olib kirishga ruxsat etilmaydi.

2. Adding sand in the process of adding the induction furnace (ramming material) is a process with strict requirements. For example, the sand must be added at one time, and should not be added in batches. Of course, when adding sand, ensure that the sand is spread on the The bottom of the furnace should not be piled up in a pile, otherwise the particle size of the sand will be separated.

3. Induksion pech uchun maxsus eslatma (ramming material): Tugunlarni bog’lashda avval silkitib, keyin tebranish usuliga muvofiq ishlashi kerak. Va operatsiya jarayoni engil va keyin og’ir bo’lishi kerakligini ta’minlash uchun usulga e’tibor bering. Va rocker bir vaqtning o’zida pastki qismga kiritilishi kerak va har safar tayoq kiritilganda sakkizdan o’n marta silkitilishi kerak.

4. After the bottom of the furnace is finished, make sure that it can be put into the dry pot stably. Only in this way can we ensure that the forming is relatively standard, generally it will be a standard annular triangular ring. Of course, there are many steps that need to be paid attention to in the whole knotting process. And every step cannot be ignored.