- 15
- Jul
Inverter oraliq chastotali pechlar parallel oraliq chastotali pechlarga nisbatan afzalliklarga ega bo’lishi kerak
Inverter intermediate frequency furnaces parallel oraliq chastotali pechlarga nisbatan afzalliklarga ega bo’lishi kerak
1. Tiristorning parallel davri parallel rezonansli oraliq chastotali pechdir. Eritma jarayonida, ayniqsa alyuminiy, mis va boshqa materiallarni eritish uchun yuk juda engil va uning quvvat chiqishi juda kichik, bu yukning tabiatiga juda bog’liq, shuning uchun uning erish tezligi sekin , Qiyinchilik isitishda. Tiristor seriyali oraliq chastotali eritish pechi chastotali modulyatsiya orqali quvvatni sozlaydi, shuning uchun u yukning tabiatiga nisbatan kamroq ta’sir qiladi. Eritishning butun jarayoni deyarli doimiy quvvat ishlab chiqarishni saqlaydi. Bu ketma-ket rezonans, ya’ni kuchlanish rezonansi bo’lgani uchun indüksiyon bobini kuchlanishi yuqori va oqim kichik, shuning uchun quvvat yo’qotilishi kichik.
2. Seriyali inverter bo’lgani uchun quvvat omili yuqori va harmoniklar kichik, shuning uchun reaktiv quvvat kompensatsiyasi moslamasini o’rnatishga hojat yo’q. Bu foydalanuvchilarga ko’p pul tejash imkonini beradi, shuningdek, elektr ta’minoti bo’limi kuchli targ’ib qiladigan ilg’or uskunadir.
3. When the series intermediate frequency furnace is working, the rectifier always works in the fully-on state, and the output power of the inverter circuit is changed by controlling the inverter trigger pulse frequency. And the load current is a sine wave, so the series intermediate frequency furnace will not seriously pollute the power grid with high harmonics, and the power factor is high. Parallel inverters cannot achieve one-to-two automatic power adjustment operation, because the power adjustment of the parallel inverter power supply can only be achieved by adjusting the output voltage of the rectifier bridge. When the parallel inverter rectifier bridge works at low voltage, the rectifier conduction angle is very small. In the state, the power factor of the equipment will be very low, and the parallel inverter load current is a square wave, which will seriously pollute the grid. If the power is adjusted by adjusting the inverter back pressure angle, the power adjustment range is very narrow. Therefore, parallel inverter power supplies cannot achieve one-to-two operation.